Setting up Shibboleth SP on Windows Server 2012 with IIS

I was recently tasked with setting up Shibboleth SP on one of our Windows Server 2012 machines in order to facilitate SSO with one of our clients. This is a quick rundown of the steps I ended up needing to take in order to get this functioning properly.

Linux & Active Directory

One of the first exciting projects I’ve worked on here at Red Nucleus is the implementation of “an internal github” as quoted from one of my developers. I loved this idea and jumped on this as soon as possible. The developer who brought this too me got me integrated in what he had done on the project which consisted of mainly messing around with a few virtual appliances but nothing concrete. One of the largest hurdles I faced during the project was integrating a Linux server into our active directory environment for authentication purposes.

My Job Search

I should give some insight into how I got where I am. I left high school in 2009. I spent a year studying computer science because I had taken an interest in computing in junior year. I hated every second of it, programming was just not for me. Networking and infrastructure were me. I spent 2 years getting an associates degree in information systems and transferred into a 4 year school. I’m finishing in 6 weeks with a bachelors in information systems.